dimanche 29 mai 2011

Quarter of a Century!

Voilà, I'm officialy 25!

I'm off to a Weapons training day and will try to fight the hangover :-)

Have a lovely sunday everyone!

Je traduis au cas où... ;-): J'ai 25 ans aujourd'hui et je vais dans une ferme pour une journée d'entraînement aux armes, avec mon gang de Kungfu. (je vais devoir combattre la gueule de bois surtout!:)
Bon dimanche!

samedi 28 mai 2011

Goodies B-Day -1

My new personal work uniform,
silk and viscose dress by BZR.
Ukulele and beach towel, ready for the travel! Thanks to Sarah, Jimmy, Albee and Max.
Friday morning tête-à-tête delight...

jeudi 26 mai 2011

Last months in Sussex #1 May-Brighton Pier

Last friday, like every friday I went down to Brighton for a stroll. I like walking without a goal, and finally always end up at the pier.
I love the old iron balustrade and the fright that it could fall in those big waves.

Look at these details...
Oh, and that creaky floorboard...
and the light-bulb signs!
Next time, I think I'll have a go on the looping!

vendredi 20 mai 2011

"Quoi ma gueule, qu'est-ce qu'elle a ma gueule?"

J'ai pensé que ça ferait plaisir à certain(e)s de voir ma gueule. Juste comme ça, histoire de vous montrer que je ne change pas, enfin, j'ai découvert des prémisses de rides au coin de mes yeux, mais heureusement elles ne sont pas encore détectables pour l’œil d'autrui non entraîné...

Bon week-end!


P.S: j'ai décidé de ne pas dépenser d'argent en fringues et autres jusqu'à mes 25ans, ça tombe bien, non?! :) :)

Last months in Sussex #1 May

Lost animal in the neighbourhood.

I say last months, a few months, in comparison with the time I spent here. The older you get, the quicker time flies. I have a bit more than two months to go until the final flight/ride/train journey. Two months to work, to organise myself for the moving, to discover and enjoy more the county, the night life in Brighton, festivals, etc...

So here, some pics from may so far.
The Hugest poppies I've ever seen in my life. As big as my hand!

Lost between Brighton and Hove. Brighton Festival.

Le Jardin Flambeau - Compagnie Carabosse - Saint Ann's Well Gardens - Hove
Sweet little ghosts...

mercredi 11 mai 2011


Tonight is the 64th Cannes Film Festival's opening. I used to watch the ceremony on tv, back in France. There's always something magical about it. This year I'll miss it. Are you going to watch it?
Juste an anecdote. One year, my first year of University - when I didn't go much to Uni-, I watched a french show "Le Grand Journal de Canal+ à Cannes" every evening. One night, Eric and Ramzy- a french comedian duo- were the guests. They are very funny. Though what happened wasn't premedited: Ramzy came in running on the stage and fell off the table! It was so surprising that Camoyt(the friend who watched it with me) and I couldn't stop laughing- for days! Poor him though, he really hurt himself.

Bonne journée et vive le Cinéma!

(Photo via google images- pierrevery.fr)

mercredi 4 mai 2011

Cherry blossom

I can't wait for the cherry season! I used to spend my days climbing in the trees and eating tones of cherries when I was a child... I could still do it, but have no tree to climb in.

lundi 2 mai 2011

Oussama Ben Laden is Dead

I don't know how I feel about it. It is weird. I can only have a thought for the families of the victims of 9/11.