lundi 9 janvier 2012

The Red Rum Orchestra.

This past week,
my brother Baltazar -the one in middle of the poster-
and his band
The Red Rum Orchestra were rehearsing in Correns.
It made the days a bit more cheerful and lively.
I couldn't really define them,
but it's more rock than folk, but still not totally rock either...
A nice mix of styles and personalities!

They play on saturday the 14th of january at 9pm/21h
in Hyères (83-France) at Théâtre Denis (
12 cours de Strasbourg).

Go and enjoy -it's free!- or visit their

1 commentaire:

  1. z 'ai pas pu venir, snif, mais nais m'a raconté.

    Bonne année ma Nina!!!! J'y pense depuis le 1er bien sûr mais bon....alors ce réveillon avec Emma????

    Des bisous, jspr que ton taf te plait de temps en temps.

    salut Rensco pour moi, surtout côté nature
    à bientôt
